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At Serene Cosmetic Clinic, we are dedicated to offering our clients cutting-edge regenerative aesthetic treatments. We are excited to introduce one of the latest trends in aesthetic medicine: PDRN skin boosters. We offer the highest quality of Promoitalia Salmon DNA Skin Boosters from Italy, not only with the highest concentration of PDRN but also incorporate the latest formula enhanced with Synthetic Exosomes.

What are PDRN skin boosters?

Salmon DNA Skin Booster, also known as PDRN therapy or baby skin injections, is mainly composed of PDRN, short for "Polydeoxyribonucleotide," a tissue repair and regeneration compound extracted from the testes of salmon. It enhances the skin's repair and regeneration abilities, restoring it to its optimal youthful state and addressing aging concerns from within, achieving baby-like skin.

We offer the highest quality of Salmon DNA Therapy "Ultra intensive with PDRN and Synthetic Exosomes"

  • Highest concentration of PDRN (20mg/ml)

  • Synthetic Exosome

  • Oligopeptides

  • Acetyl Decapeptide 3

  • Vegetable ingredients


Benefits of Salmon DNA Injection

  • Deep hydration

  • Reducing and preventing skin lines and wrinkles 

  • Reduces the appearance of aging rejuvenates look 

  • Improves skin tone

  • Improves the texture of skin

  • Tissue Regeneration and Promotes elasticity

  • Restoration of the skin barrier

  • Stimulate cell regeneration

  • Stimulate the process of DNA synthesis.

  • Have anti-aging and antioxidant properties.

What To Expect


Typically ranges from  45-60 minutes

Expect Results

For optimal results, we recommend an initial course of three treatments spaced four weeks apart to achieve a skin response. Afterward, a single maintenance session every 3 to 6 months is sufficient to upkeep the benefits

After Treatment Care

Avoid touching or rubbing the treated area, protect your skin from excessive sun exposure, stay well-hydrated, and use medical-grade skincare products to heal your skin.

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How Salmon DNA Skin Booster Works?

The PDRN substances extracted from salmon DNA are uniquely compatible with human cells, promoting cell regeneration for a rejuvenated appearance. By enhancing the skin's regenerative capability, it improves elasticity and balances oil and moisture levels, resulting in a smoother, more toned complexion. 

What are the differences between our highest quality of Salmon DNA Therapy and the regular Salmon DNA Injection from South Korea?

The intensive version of Salmon DNA Skin Booster differs from the regular product in several key ways:
1. Ingredient Formulation: It typically contains additional active ingredients like Synthetic Exosomes, plant stem cells, and peptides to boost treatment effectiveness and skin regeneration.
2. Concentration: The intensive version offers at Serene Cosmetic Clinic has a highest concentration of salmon DNA, making it more potent. Our product boasts a concentration of 20 milligrams per milliliter, compared to the regular product's 5.625 milligrams per 3 milliliters.
3. Effectiveness: With added active ingredients, the intensive version offers more significant therapeutic effects, improving skin texture, brightening tone, and reducing wrinkles. Exosomes ensure deep nutrient penetration for complete anti-aging benefits.
Overall, the intensive version of Salmon DNA Skin Booster delivers superior therapeutic and anti-aging results due to its richer formulation and higher concentration of active ingredients.

What does Salmon DNA Skin Booster target?
  • Prevent aging, starting in your late twenties, is ideal
  • Address sun damage
  • Improve skin elasticity
  • Treat thin or damaged skin
  • Enhance skin luminosity
  • Reduce wrinkles
  • Firm sagging skin
  • Correct skin imperfections
  • Provide optimal hydration
Why choose Serene Cosmetic Clinic for a Salmon DNA Injection?
  1. Skilled Nurses: Our highly skilled and experienced nurses specialize in salmon dna injections, ensuring a safe and effective treatment outcome.
  2. Precision in Injection Placement: We prioritize the precision of accurate injection techniques to achieve optimal results. Our practitioners possess in-depth knowledge of facial anatomy and use their expertise to target specific areas for salmon dna therapy treatment.
  3. Personalized Treatment Approach: We understand that each individual's skin concerns are unique, and we tailor our salmon dna therapy approach accordingly. After a thorough assessment, we create a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs and achieve your desired skin goals.
  4. Trusted Brands: At our clinic, we only use premium, quality products approved by Health Canada.
Treatment Process
Step 1 Consultation: Upon arrival, you will have a consultation with our medical team to assess your skin concerns and determine if Exosomes Salmon DNA Skin Booster is suitable for you.

Step 2 Pre-treatment Preparation: Your skin will be cleansed and prepared for the Exosomes Salmon DNA Skin Booster.

Step 3 Numbing: Numbing Cream will be applied to minimize discomfort.

Step 4 Injection: Small injections of a customized mixture of beneficial substances are administered into the targeted areas.

Step 5 Post-treatment Care: Medical-grade facial mask for 15 minutes, then apply medical-grade facial repair cream and sun cream to nourish, repair and protect the skin. 
Am I a good candidate for Salmon DNA Skin Booster?
  • You have acne-prone or oily skin.
  • You experience problems with large pores and whiteheads.
  • You are seeking skin hydration and nourishment.
  • You have dull or tired-looking skin.
  • You are dealing with acne scars, closed comedones, or large pores.
  • You have aged skin
  • You are looking to improve skin texture and firmness
  • People with fine lines and wrinkles
  • Those with uneven skin tone or pigmentation issues
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